Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Chapter 14 Summary

National Labor Relations Board
The National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) is a five member board that falls under the Federal government agency and includes the general council, and 52 regional and other field offices. Because the NLRB is a federal agency, its enforcement actions are limited to companies that have a direct impact on interstate commerce, which extends to all except local businesses. Federal Government workers under the Civil Service Reform Act of 1978, Title VII, the Federal Labor Relations Authority has a role similar to that of the NLRB. Many states still have many similar agencies that administer the laws under that state and local governments. The two major functions of the NLRB are to conduct and certify representation and to prevent unfair labor practices. It does not initiate either of these actions, however they respond to requests for actions. Some people argue that the NLRB is illegally interfering with union organizing.
Emotional Hook:
Unfair labor practices occur very often and it is positive to have a program setup to shut down unlawful practices but is it ethical for the NLRB to interfere with the organizing of unions?
Key Points:
The two major functions of the NLRB are to conduct and certify representation and to prevent unfair labor practices.
Facilitative Question:
How could the NLRB be more aggressive in preventing unfair labor practices?

Sunday, February 28, 2010

Chapter 13 Summary

Unemployment Insurance
Unemployment insurances have four objectives to minimize the burden which goes along with being laid off. It provides payments to help with the lost income during the involuntary unemployment, and helps find new jobs. This money given to the unemployed comes through a unemployment tax paid by the employer and with each application filed against the employer the tax increases, giving the employer the incentive to not have reduction in work force. Unemployment insurance has been left by the federal government to be determined on a state by state base creating their own programs. No state imposes the same tax rate on every employer in the state. Employers with a history of high layoffs pay a much higher tax and those business’ with a lower rate pay a much smaller fraction og what the larger company pays. Careful planning by the human resource manager can minimize layoffs and keep their unemployment tax favorable. To be eligible for the benefits a worker must be actively seeking work, available to work full time, and the person was not let go or fired for misconduct and did not quit, so in other words was favorably let go. If these conditions are met they will receive about half of their wage for a period of 26 weeks or six months while seeking other work.
Emotional Hook:
As hard as it can be for a person to be let go from a job it is a comfort to be able to receive money in replacement for lost income to help while looking for work.
Key Points:
A key point I found interesting is that as an organization does layoffs they are in a sense penalized for it and in it ends up costing the company more money as more unemployment applications are filed against them. This is a very good idea to help reduce layoffs when unnecessary.
Facilitative Question:What is a human resource manager’s role in preventing layoffs in order to keep the company from paying a higher tax?

Chapter 12 Sumamry

Sales Commissions
Commission is where a sales person receives a percentage of the value of the sale. So if a car salesman sales a car and gets 6 percent times the car, that amount will be added to his pay. Some people earn 100 percent commission and others receive a base pay with a lower percentage of the sale. When a salesperson makes 100 percent commission it is known as getting a “straight commission”, this is common in real estate and car sales. Paying most or all of the sales person’s wages from commission encourages the salesperson to focus on the sale instead of building customer relations. Commission sales are not for everyone. This type of position requires a person to be very dedicated and driven in order to make money. It is important for a salesperson to be hard-working, ambitious, and a risk taker. For a person who feels they fit this model of a salesperson straight commission would be a great position for them.
Emotional Hook:
For a person who is very driven by creating their own success , commission sales might be a great opportunity for them to make a lot of money. Being paid on commission allows the salesperson to more or less control their own financial situation when the economic situation is removed from the scenario.
Key Points:
A sales person can make a very good living when working for a straight or partial commission. This also puts the company in a nice position because when they have a hard-working, ambitious employee it raises the companies sales and increases profits.
Facilitative Question:What could be some of the down falls to a company and to the employees that work off commission?

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Chapter 11 Summary

Minimum Wage

In the United Sates an organization is required by law to meet a minimum pay level at which the employee receives for compensation. The 1938 Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) established the minimum wage to be $6.55 per hour as of July 2008. As of July 2009 the rate jumped to $7.25, which continues the average rate increase to be .70 cents per year to account for inflation. The FLSA does have an exception to the law permitting a “training wage” where organizations may pays under the wage minimum to a individual under the age of 20 for a period of 20 days while the new hire is being trained. Some states set their own minimum over the federal standard but must pay the higher of the two rates. Some states also have a “living wage” where employees are entitled to a raise based on the cost of living in a particular region.

Emotional Hook:
To be a more looked at business, I think it is important for business to pay their employees a little better than the national standard. It shows the employees that the company cares and in return the employee gives a greater effort.

Key Points:
Organizations must pay a minimum wage in order to avoid taking advantage of its workers. This is a major problem in other areas of the world like China and India where businesses pay workers very little to maximize profits.

Facilitative Question:
As an employer would you want to follow a higher standard or pay higher, in hope to attract better and more qualified employees?

Monday, February 15, 2010

Chapter 10 Summary

Progressive Discipline

Organizations must be sure to handle behavioral problems in a manner that is fair, legal, and effective in correcting the problem. In order to meet the standard of being fair, legal and effective there must be a formal discipline process to ensure that things are fair in all situation for all involved parties. By having this process in place it lets the employees know that certain behavior is not acceptable within the organization. Creating formal discipline is the responsibility of the human resource department. HR managers need to consult the organizations managers and supervisors to establish rules and consequences for those who chose to break the rules. Rules that should be addressed are; tardiness, absenteeism, unsafe work practices, poor qualities or quantity of work, sexual harassment, coming to work impaired with drugs or alcohol, theft of company property,.
Beside creating the policies it is also the responsibility of the HR manager to follow through on the punishment and correcting the behavior of the individual.

Emotional Hook:
It is important that rules are followed in order for an organization to be successful. If rules with consequences are established that the ball is in the hands in the employee to do the appropriate thing and behave in a manner that is within those guidelines.

Key Points:
It is the responsibility of the HR manager to see that the rules and consequences are clearly stated and properly followed by all employees. There can be no double standard or else it will create serious problems in a company because some people can do things one way but others get reprimanded if they violate a policy. So it must be fair, legal, and effective for all.

Facilitative Question:
How does an HR manager ensure they are being fair and following all legal aspects when creating a formal discipline program?

Chapter 9 Summary

Chapter 9 Summary

Goal Setting

After the employee does a self-assessment, he or she sets short and long term objectives for the career they are in. The goal could include something like become the manager in of the sales department in three years. Or skill acquisitions, like learning how to operate a company software program. Or using a personal skill to improve something about the company. The goals should be specific and include a date for when the goal will be achieved. It is the responsibility of the employee to follow through on the goal and do everything possible to ensure the goal is completed. The employee should discuss the goals with his or her manager to make sure they are achievable, specific, and challenging. This will also give the employer the chance to help and support the employee in their quest.

Emotional Hook:
Goal setting is a skill that teaches an individual to become better by pushing themselves and seeking to become better through challenges and accomplishment. Goals give a person the guidance to overcome obstacles and achieve greatness through accomplishments and failures.

Key Points:
Make sure the goal is realistic and set with an expiration or time when the task should be completed. Let others know what you plan to do so they can give encouragement and feedback to help achieve the task.

Facilitative Question:
What are some ways to accomplish personal and career oriented goals?

Friday, February 5, 2010

Chapter 8 Summary

Finding Solutions to Performance Problems

When a company employee is performing less than average, the company needs to find a solution to fixing the low productivity and finding an solution to the behavior. The most effective way to improve behavior varies according to the employees ability to be motivate and desire to change. When an employee lacks ability and motivation corrective action is needed.
Lack of ability – Managers will want to offer training, coaching, and it’s imperative to give detailed feedback in order to help the employee develop skills necessary to do the job.
Lack of motivation – Managers should explore ways to show the employee that he or she is being treated fairly and rewarded when it is appropriate.
If a company is serious about having exceptional employees they must invest more in an employee then just giving them the review feedback. The business should give opportunities to the employee that will help them grow, feel a sense of accomplishment and self worth.

Emotional Hook:
A company feels it is important to give a 360 degree review for employees each quarter. They provide feedback of the results but then they say nothing more until the next quarterly review. In what ways is the company cheating their employees and themselves?

Key Points:
Employees need to feel that the company they work for cares enough to invest time to their success. The company must ensure that each employee is receiving honest and constructive feedback after a performance review of any type.

Facilitative Question:
What is the benefit of not only giving a performance review to employees but to invest the time to helping a employee change and improve?