Monday, February 15, 2010

Chapter 9 Summary

Chapter 9 Summary

Goal Setting

After the employee does a self-assessment, he or she sets short and long term objectives for the career they are in. The goal could include something like become the manager in of the sales department in three years. Or skill acquisitions, like learning how to operate a company software program. Or using a personal skill to improve something about the company. The goals should be specific and include a date for when the goal will be achieved. It is the responsibility of the employee to follow through on the goal and do everything possible to ensure the goal is completed. The employee should discuss the goals with his or her manager to make sure they are achievable, specific, and challenging. This will also give the employer the chance to help and support the employee in their quest.

Emotional Hook:
Goal setting is a skill that teaches an individual to become better by pushing themselves and seeking to become better through challenges and accomplishment. Goals give a person the guidance to overcome obstacles and achieve greatness through accomplishments and failures.

Key Points:
Make sure the goal is realistic and set with an expiration or time when the task should be completed. Let others know what you plan to do so they can give encouragement and feedback to help achieve the task.

Facilitative Question:
What are some ways to accomplish personal and career oriented goals?

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