Sunday, January 24, 2010

Chapter 4 Summary

Job Enrichment

The idea behind job enrichment is to allow your employees more responsibility and showing them you trust them by giving them the opportunity to make decisions related to their job. This trust brings energy and motivation to the team. There are five factors associated with motivating jobs; first, achievement, then recognition, growth, responsibility, and performance.

Emotional Hook:
As an employee sometimes it is easy to feel unimportant or that your just a body there to collect a check. As a business owner or HR manager what type of privileges can be given to empower the employees and help them be part of the team.

Key Points:
Job enrichment would be for an employee to have the authority to resolve a customer’s problem and then have the power to decide either to give the customer a full refund, store credit, or store credit.

Facilitative Question:
How can a business owner change his way of thinking in order to trust his employees with decision making abilities?

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